Every Man for Himself

Gentlemen, how equipped are you to combat these top five health threats? Test your knowledge with this quiz. See the quiz answers at the bottom of the page.

1. What will NOT decrease a man’s risk of developing heart disease?

A. Blood pressure and blood sugar monitoring

B. Smoking cessation

C. A diet free of all fats

D. Limiting alcohol to one drink per day

2. Which preventive screenings should men at average risk ask their doctors about starting at age 50?

A. Colorectal cancer screening

B. Lung cancer screening

C. Prostate cancer screening

D. All of the above

3. True or False: Men are less likely to die from suicide than women.



4. What is the No. 1 risk factor for stroke in men?

A. High blood pressure

B. Obesity

C. Diabetes

D. Drinking

5. True or False: If you have chronic lower respiratory disease, which includes chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), emphysema and chronic bronchitis, there is no point in quitting smoking as the damage has already been done.



Answer Key:

  1.  Answer: CSome fats are actually good for your heart. Unsaturated fats, such as those found in olive oil and some fish, decrease your risk of dying from cardiovascular disease. Saturated fats, such as butter, artificial trans fat, and hydrogenated oils, which are found in many junk foods, should be avoided.
  2. Answer: DMen ages 50 to 75 should get a colorectal cancer screening, the frequency of which is determined by the type of test. Men age 50 and older should discuss the need for annual prostate cancer screening with their providers. Men ages 50 to 85 who have a 30-pack-year smoking history and currently smoke or those who quit within the past 15 years should be screened for lung cancer once a year.
  3. Answer: TrueAccording to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), men are almost four times more likely to die from suicide than women. Men who isolate themselves, experience anxiety, or express feelings of hopelessness, among other factors, are at risk of suicide, according to the CDC.
  4. Answer: AHypertension, or high blood pressure, is a main risk factor for stroke in men, yet half of men with stage 2 hypertension—blood pressure readings of 140 mm Hg over 90 mm Hg or higher—do not have it under control. Being overweight or obese, having diabetes, drinking too much alcohol, and not exercising regularly also increase men’s stroke risk.
  5. Answer: FalseSmoking cessation is often the first thing your doctor will recommend. Quitting smoking rids your immune system of unneeded stress and promotes regrowth of cilia—the hair-like structures in your lungs—that remove debris and help prevent infection.

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cdc.gov, heart.org, medlineplus.gov, cdc.gov, niehs.nih.gov, smokefree.gov, cdc.gov, medlineplus.gov, medlineplus.gov, medlineplus.gov, cdc.gov, medlineplus.gov, cdc.gov, heart.org

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